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Sweetnighter (1973)
Weather Report

Available at Amazon.com >>

User Rating: 5 / 5

Name:  dr funk
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  the lost grail of the fender rhodes - a not-very-well-known album from one of the best known fusion bands. but this is before zawinul went to analogue keyboard heaven and got racks that would stack up ten stories high - here he has only a rhodes, a wah-wah and a ring modulator, and verily he proves that the funky man needs no more than these. 'boogie woogie waltz' and '125th st congress' are two of the most powerful grooves ever captured on wax, and for any rhodes lover to hear zawinul's work on these, the result can only be instant ejaculation all over the cd player. joe, you rock

Name:  James Garfield <input@fenderrhodes.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  I have to agree about this album being a "lost grail" in Rhodes history. It's one that I bought for the sake of completing my Weather Report collection, but I didn't know how incomplete my collection was without it!!! Joe's playing is just intense (an excellent lesson in using the wah pedal for maximum funk), and the band lays down the groove like nobody's business.

Name:  John Dube
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Went to my first Weather Report Concert in 1972 at Tanglewood in Lenox Mass.

Name:  William Hutchison
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  By this point, Joe Zawinul was tiring from the improvisatory nature of the first two albums which yielded low sales figures. He realized where his heart lay so he decided to get his groove on. After all, he worked with Cannonball Adderley for almost ten years and he wanted to start swinging again. Man, does Joe love that wah-wah pedal and he grooves his ass off on the Rhodes. It was pretty obvious that Miroslav Vitous could not play funk so Joe brought in Andrew White on electric bass who btw played on the previous WR album. Andrew was just what Joe needed while Miroslav hung on to play his traditional acoustic plus some awkward electric attempts. This was the last of the classic WR albums that i heard for the first time and it does not disappoint.