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Head Hunters (1973)
Herbie Hancock

Available at Amazon.com >>

User Rating: 5 / 5

Name:  Daniel Riera <DRiera8@yahoo.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  The Rhodes solo on Chameleon is my favorite Rhodes recording ever!

Name:  James Garfield <rhodes@badrat.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  This album (along with Thrust) was what really sold me on the Rhodes sound. And I agree, Herbie's solo on "Chameleon" is one of the greatest ever....

Name:  Terje Ellefsen
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  What more is there to say? Herbie Hancock knows his way around a Rhodes, and thanks to him, a lot of people found out about it (check out how many people copied his style in the 70's).

Name:  Kari Setälä <karisetala@yahoo.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  While agreeing with the comments above, I must add that with this album, Herbie practically defined (and re-invented) the proper way to play the Rhodes (and a bunch of ARPs and Moogs as well...) in a funky way. To this day when you hear people play a Rhodes solo on a jazz-funk tune, they copy his licks and the overall feel from "Head Hunters", and especially "Chameleon". You know, the tremolo thing and the way he gets "out" of the scale (or key) and the like...

And this milestone of an album was made 30 years ago! AND he wasn't even the first to experiment with the so called jazz-funk at the time. But he was the first to make such an huge impact. Genius.

Name:  Thomas O'Grady <kozmigroover@hotmail.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  The ultimate album - right down to the artwork. Everything everybody above has said and more - it should be a legal requirement to own a copy.

Name:  Thomas Nydén <thomasnyden@spray.se>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  I do certainly agree with the fellows above. This album is a true classic and made me a true "Rhodes-fan" (and a Hancock fan as well). The piano solo on Chameleon gives me shivers every time I hear it - I actually bought myself a Mk I shortly after I heard this record for the first time.

Name:  Ian <imwst3@netscape.net>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Absolutely set the standard for the funky Rhodes sound. The "Chameleon" solo is unbeatable. And I used to sleep "Vein Melter," but it's a great example of Herbie's gift for mellow funk. His style was perfectly conducive to the instrument.

Name:  Piotr C.
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  "Vein Melter" is my favourite track - great atmosphere!

Name:  Herbiefied <littlebuddybigbub@yahoo.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Hot, sweet, delectable grooves laid down by our man Herbie.
Hmm.. I wonder why I have a Rhodes a Clavinet and an ARP Odyssey? I guess I'll never know.

Name:  Howard Parks <HowardBParks@hotmail.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  A classic!! 'Nuff said!!

Name:  Chaz Simpson
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Probably the best CD.....EVER!! I've been playin the chameleon riff on sax for a few years now but it still blows my mind every time I play it. Its my bands favourite tune by far.

Name:  S K Koh <skkoh@unimo.co.kr>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  One of pieces in this album, 'Chameleon' is my favorite Rhodes' sound ever.

Name:  Herbie Is GOD
Rating:  5 / 5

Name:  goffo <goffo@voila.fr>
Rating:  5 / 5

Name:  joshua ariz
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  this is an excellent c.d. The layering they do is incredible. Track 3 features a beer bottle creating a basic melody, onto which other instruments layer on nicely. It is a beautiful funky, jazzy, mellow, yet eventful groove c.d.

Name:  Bob sanford
Rating:  5 / 5

Name:  Dave
Rating:  3 / 5

Name:  adrian480
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Masterpiece by Herbie

Name:  Andreas
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Great album. You really hear Herbie and the band having fun! And of course the Rhodes sound...

Name:  Hans van Mierlo
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  As others said: the standard. Not only the Chameleon stuuf is great. I am probably more impressed by the long Rhodes solo on Sly (from 5:25) supported by the great Clavinet!

Name:  Rob C
Rating:  5 / 5
You found it !

The ultimate marriage between electric analog and acoustic , in fact , the boundaries between those universes seem to resolve .
I think Herbie had Jimi's Band of Gypsies in mind on his synth-solo on Chameleon.
Purple Rain is also still very fresh sounding in its own hedonistic little way. Why am I saying that?

Name:  Jacky Terrasson
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Classic. Exciting. Tasty & Funky

Name:  Ana Coelho
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  In repeat!

Name:  Nino <ninovasev@hotmail.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  The sound of Rhodes' sound on chameleon solo apart from herbie.s geniality is absolutely the greatest recording sucess and a milestone which shaped the future of rhodes piano which is..FOREVER and ever and ever . Never enough of rhodes

Name:  William Hutchison
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Not much to add to this one but i will say that this album really opened my eyes up to jazz/funk and the Rhodes electric piano. The first time i purchased this was back in 1995 and it was a cassette tape at that. I practically wore it out from so much overplaying that i finally upgraded to cd and then mp3. This was really the turning point in my life as my musical tastes before it were simply a steady diet of hip-hop and whatever popular music was playing on the radio.