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Roxy & Elsewhere (1974)
Frank Zappa

Available at Amazon.com >>

User Rating: 5 / 5

Name:  James Garfield <rhodes@badrat.com>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  This album is as musically incredible as it is hilarious. With this particular band, Frank embraced the funky, soulful sounds of early 70's R&B, showcasing George Duke on Rhodes & vocals (alongside lead vocalist & sax player Napoleon Murphy Brock). The highlight of the album (for Rhodes players, anyway) has to be the "Bebop Tango", where audience members attempt to dance along with George's frenetic Rhodes solo....

Name:  Juergen Martens <dj.martens@t-online.de>
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Agreed. As I put it in my review on ONE SIZE FITS ALL: "...a band that plays the most intricate stuff as if it was NOTHING," Here's the proof - no tricks, just purest musicianship. Saw that band live myself in 1976. Unbelievable. The poodle bites...

Name:  Rob Coops
Rating:  5 / 5
This is the kind of music I listen to when I am replacing keybushings. The humor actually never stops , I think it also features a great horn section.

Name:  Alberto Compagnone
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Nuke Duke and FZ in their best witty humouresque activity!