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Bitches Brew (1969)
Miles Davis

Available at Amazon.com >>

User Rating: 5 / 5

Name:  Terje Ellefsen
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Wonderful! This recording uses two and on some tracks three Rhodes pianos simultaneously, and it works. Chick Corea does most of the Rhodes-soloing, so you know it's good. Special ring to the sound too, check it out!

Name:  Rob Coops
Rating:  5 / 5
Magic music. It actually features 2 or 3 Fenders at once sometimes! Teo Macero edited it.
Kinda Dionysian 2CD, dark and distorted Rhodes , rich freaky harmonies.

Name:  Matt Radowski
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  This album introduced me to the Rhodes sound. It some of nastiest (and I mean that in the best possible way) playing and Rhodes tone quality I have ever heard. After hearing this album and listening to 'Spanish Key' for about a year straight, I decided I had to get one. As for the album, it is one of the most unique and amazing albums I've ever heard, it opened a lot doors for me, musically.

Name:  John Dube
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Magic

Name:  Rob Coops
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  I recently bought a differently mastered version , which sounds much clearer than the one I bought 20 years ago.
The mastering is very different , including echo's on the trumpet and the Rhodes is much clearer.
Its said that Miles owned a few Rhodes himself , that were in his house.

Name:  Francis Dupon
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  Même si ce n'est pas mon album préféré de Miles, celui ci reste un monument musical. La basse avec le fender et ce son inimitable me transporte dans un univers de perfection...

Name:  William Hutchison
Rating:  5 / 5
Comments:  WHEW!! The music on this is intense. If anything, this deserves ten stars. Too bad Herbie was not on this one but if he had been he would also have laid back and let Chick do most of the soloing. Long ago i read a comment on a review of this album by a John McLaughlin fan who was incensed that Chick was drowning out his playing and that he had a big ego. Boo hoo to him i say.